Orpheus Audition Songs
Below you will find the audition information for MacGuffin’s fall musical, Orpheus.
Auditions will be held on Wednesday, September 12 from 6-8:30 PM for actors between the ages of 9 and 18. We will start with a vocal audition and proceed to a dance audition. When actors come to the audition they will immediately fill out an Audition Sheet. Actors should know their conflicts between September 17 and December 9.
All roles are singing roles except for Hades and Persephone. (see the Character List in the next article below) Actors should be able to hold a harmony part. Most actors will play several parts. There will also be a dance audition directly following the vocal audition. There will be choreography by Joy Orlemann and direction by John Rea. The leading parts are Orpheus, Eurydice, Jason, Medea, Pythia, Melanthius and Hades. Supporting roles are Cedalion, Charon, Heroes of the Argo including Atalanta, Gaia, Selene, Phoebe, Persephone and Leucosia. Cameo parts are Young Orpheus, Oaegrus and Calliope.
The links to the lyrics can be found at the bottom of this article. There are 2 sequences of music. The opening Here to There Sequence, which has 2 songs – Here to There and I Am the Song. The marriage sequence All the Love has 2 songs – All the Love in the World and Goodness and Mercy. The characters in the Under World rap in a kind of monotone so I don’t need to hear anyone audition for those parts.
For Orpheus, Eurydice, Medea and Jason – learn All the Love in the World (1st part of the All the Love Sequence). Since Jason and Medea are also in a love relationship, this song is appropriate for them, as well.
For Pythia – learn your parts of Goodness and Mercy (2nd part of the All the Love Sequence)
For the Argonauts and Cedalion – learn all of Here to There (the 1st part of the Here to There Sequence). I’ll review the part singing at the audition – do the best you can.
For the Sirens, Leucosia, Gaia, Selene and Phoebe – learn all of I Am the Song (the 2nd part of the Here to There Sequence). I’ll review the part singing at the audition – do the best you can. Gaia, Selene and Phoebe are handmaidens to Eurydice and they are fierce so this Siren song is appropriate for them, too.
Here to There Sequence
All the Love Sequence
Click below for Here to There Sequence lyrics
Click below for All the Love Sequence lyrics